Monday, September 20, 2010

Dell Latitude XT tablet

This weekend, we bought a second hand Dell Latitude XT tablet! We will be using this as primary device for running the ilive editor. The tablet has a intel core2duo 1.33ghz processor and 3 gigs of ram. The screen is 12.1" with a resolution of 1280x800. The idea is to run linux with the editor on this.

So the first thing I did was install Ubuntu 10.4 (Lucid) on this, by using UNetbootin. I created a LVM partition of 40 gig with 32 gig for root and 6 gig swap (the complete hard disk is 120 gig). A minimal installation was chosen, so I could add only the packages we really need, keeping it nice and clean.

To install the X server, I install the following packages: xserver-xorg-input-wacom xinit lxde chromium-browser cellwriter. However, there are some additional things we need, for example some support for wireless lan. For this I installed the network-manager, bcmwl-modaliases and bcmwl-kernel-source packages. Then, there is a bug in the wpa_supplicant (version 0.6.9), so I installed the debian packages for 0.6.10 using gdebi and the AMD64 .deb files from and

To install the ilive editor, I first installed libc-i386 and default-jre. Next, the editor is downloaded from the ilive-digital site and installed. Now we have a working ilive editor on a minimal linux configuration. But, it turns out that the linux version only supports online with surfaces!

So in the end, I installed windows 7 on the remaining disk space and it works like a charm. Hopefully, linux support for only mix racks will be added, so I can switch back to the linux version.

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